Sochi, Khudyakova street 29/3 side B
Rocket 01 is currently living in Portugal. Rocket 01 is recognizable immediately due to its color palette, as well as a special method of paint application, which the artist has perfected to achieve the best results. In his works, the muralist likes to depict different symbols that represent the desire for a better world.
The artist’s new work is titled "Transition". It serves as a visual embodiment of the changing model of technological progress and marks the path to sustainable development, environmentally friendly energy solutions and harmonious coexistence on our planet. The dominant role in the mural is given to the image of a girl in a space
helmet, which symbolizes man and his limitless possibilities. Around her are plants that symbolize the exuberance and power of nature. The artist has put into your work a tribute to Russia’s history in space exploration, as well as recognizing its commitment to current and future space exploration.
The artist’s new work is titled "Transition". It serves as a visual embodiment of the changing model of technological progress and marks the path to sustainable development, environmentally friendly energy solutions and harmonious coexistence on our planet. The dominant role in the mural is given to the image of a girl in a space helmet, which symbolizes man and his limitless possibilities. Around her are plants that symbolize the exuberance and power of nature. The artist has put into your work a tribute to Russia’s history in space exploration, as well as recognizing its commitment to current and future space exploration.