Let the loyalty of the wolves serve as a reminder to us that there is nothing more important than family, how important it is to love and always be close to those we cherish" Farid says about his work.
This mural was created with the support of the Tambov region, the symbol of which is the image of a wolf.
"In many cultures, the wolf is a symbol of high morality and devotion to his family. Having formed a couple, the wolf and the she-wolf remain faithful to their choice for life.
As an example of an ideal tandem, they do everything together: hunt, protect the territory and raise cubs.
The artist’s works are based on the Mexican vibrant culture. Traveling around the world, he creates colorful and diverse images with animals that Farid associates with the country he visits.
The artist’s murals are filled with the problems of modernity: caring for animals, global warming and many others.
Sirius, Parusnaya Street 29